Counseling Department
The mission of the Valley High School counseling program is to empower all students to reach their fullest potential by providing a comprehensive school counseling program to facilitate their academic, career, social and emotional development. The ultimate objective is to help students identify their interests and abilities, enhance productivity, dependability, self-expression and control, accurate decision-making and conflict-resolution skills along with other competencies that will remediate students deficits, strengthen their unique capabilities and enable the youth to participate in a global society as responsible citizens.
Always Believe in your #selfie!!!
Amy Addante
Magnet Students (Last Name: M-Z)
702-799-5450 ext4309
Department Chair
Scholarship Specialist
Credit Retrieval Specialist
Nikki Correa
Zoned Students (Last Name: D-H)
702-799-5450 ext4304
Upward Bound Liaison
Student Aide Coordinator
College Counselor
Senior Awards Night Coordinator
Chad Gregorius
Magnet Students (Last Name: A-L)
702-799-5450 ext4303
College Counselor
Career and Technical Education
CSN TechPrep Coordinator
NCAA Clearinghouse
Leon Wright
Team Action Counselor and
Zoned Students (Last Name: T-Z)
702-799-5450 ext4306
Title I HOPE Coordinator
Connie Minnich
Freshman (9th Grade) Counselor
702-799-5450 ext4307
Title I HOPE Coordinator
Section 504 Coordinator
Ada Massa-Gonzalez
Zoned Students (Last Name: I-O)
702-799-5450 ext4302
Hispanic Baccalaureate
Title I HOPE Coordinator
Alma Moraga
Zoned Students (Last Name: P-S)
702-799-5450 ext4301
Character Education Specialist
Corey Gagne
Zoned Students (Last Name: A-C)
702-799-5450 ext4308
National Honors Society Advisor
Academic Planning Coordinator
CSN Dual Credit Program Coordinator